[17.8.3] Added "Bank Accounts" tab

A post was merged into an existing topic: Cash account just disappeared

Hi all!

I understand the underlying reasoning of this change, although in my case it doesn’t have a major impact.

Thing is (there’s always a but for someone) Manager has now a ‘Cash on hand’ (that includes all balance of cash accounts) which I particularly don’t need. So I’ll expose my case and make a proposal.

I setup my chart account based on IFRS scheme that groups all cash and bank accounts in the same control account and I only differentiate those in local currency from those in foreign currency. ie.:


  • Current assets
    – Cash and banks, in euros
    – Cash and banks, in foreign currency

What I did, was to use the default account provided by the software and rename it for the local currency cash and bank accounts, and create a new control account made of cash and bank accounts in foreign currency.

So, the issue now is that I also have the new account on the bottom of my Current Assets group:

  • Current assets
    – Cash and banks, in euros
    – Cash and banks, in foreign currency
    – Cash on hand

I understand this new account cannot be deleted (as other several that the software provides) but there is no possibility to use another Control account ‘made of Cash accounts’ that allows me to regroup the accounts in local and foreign currency instead of bank and cash.


Proposal is to add the possibility to select the control account to be used by the user for the ‘Cash accounts’ the same way we (or I) do with Bank accounts.

I understand that might be a lot of reasons @lubos has done this change this way (and I’m not the one with the knowledge to argue about it) but my point is even though the change is justified by the nature and workflows of each kind of accounts (which I agree) don’t necessarily has to impact in the accounting presentation.

Looking forward to reading your comments. Thanks!

If you don’t require the Cash Accounts tab, why don’t you de-select it under Customise.

Certainly, if you want to group bank and cash balances into single control account, it should be supported as it makes sense. It will be supported in near future.

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You can already do that

  1. Under Chart of Accounts, in addition to re-naming the default control accounts, create new bank & cash foreign control accounts

0000000 Bug 1

  1. Under Cash Accounts create the related accounts

0000000 Bug 1a

  1. Under the cash account nominate the control account

0000000 Bug 2

Hi @Brucanna,

I see you point, what you mean is to create a NEW control account made of Cash Accounts.

But what I’m proposing is to be able to group either Cash or Bank accounts in the same control account.

Otherwise, the result will be as your captures above, that is 4 different accounts (2 for banks and 2 for cash).

In my case, would result in 2 accounts (1 for cash and banks in local currency and 1 for cash and banks in foreign currency).

go to Setting then Chart Of account, create group name it as cash and cash equivalent and edit the cash and bank and keep it under cash and cash equivalent

Why not provide an attribute on the account to have it shown under one or other tab?

this would enable one set of coding, and allow the user to decide, whilst letting existing accounts be re allocated at minimum inconvenience.


Because, as has been explained, future direction of the two tabs are not the same. While both bank and cash accounts have been treated quite similarly up to now, that will not be the case in the future. So just ticking a box won’t work.

My Cash Accounts which consist of Building Society Accounts, Peer to Peer lending, Bonds, etc have not been transferred over to the Bank Account section. In addition I tried to re label these Cash Accounts via Edit section and am unable to do so. It seems as though these accounts are trapped in the Cash Account and are no longer displaying balances on Summary even though they have control Asset and Bank Account as control accounts. See screen shots.

Help, please!!!


the reason is you had not set these accounts checked as Managed by a bank previously. so in the recent version it has been classified under the Cash Accounts.
this has already been discussed in this very same topic. you may read about it.

Currently yes, but there has been a suggestion that a conversion option may become available.
“if you only have a few transactions then recode them, but If you have many transactions, you will need to wait for convert function”

You will need to show a screenshot of a) a chart of account control account edit screen and b) a cash account edit screen which are related to each other.

I believe the original guidelines suggested setting these up as not being controlled by a bank as there was no downloading, etc.

My accounts are now trapped with the only option of creating duplicate accounts and transferring over, then inactivating original. I can get this from a forensic point of view but this separation could have come with a user warning.

Is it possible to install an earlier version, reclassify these accounts as bank controlled, then install a current version and have transferred over ‘properly’??



@muffin, downgrading won’t work. Within a week there will be a tool to transfer accounts between cash accounts and bank accounts tabs.

Great, reassuring news, Lubos! Manager must be used in so many diverse ways now that any changes must have a ‘butterfly-monsoon’ effect!


This has become even more important to me as I’ve just discovered that one cannot create a transaction from a bank account to any of my 20+ ‘cash accounts’.

a transfer from a bank account to cash account or the opposite is now done through Inter Account Transfers.
read this guide Transfer money between bank and cash accounts | Manager

Even if an account is miscategorized, you can still do transfers to/from it. When the conversion feature becomes available, all will convert.

@muffin the latest version has Convert button in bottom-right corner under Bank Accounts and Cash Accounts tab to facilitate conversion.

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A new Guide is available describing the conversion feature: https://www.manager.io/guides/11727.