Value of inventory going to inventory cost instead of inventory on hand when I raise a purchase invoice

You have a Suspense account showing the summary
I think you did not select the customer when recording the sale
Please check your entries and make sure you have selected the inventory location in purchases and sales entries
I have tried everything several times and I have also used the divisions and everything works fine


the account is only to check if we input sales can reduce the amount of stock. the sales work fine, purchase invoice is also fine. Just the allocation of written off still under inventory cost. it does not change.

Work good in my test, Cloud Edition v25.2.5.2069

AS @Sweey mentioned it is not all fine because you have items in the Suspense account that must be resolved first. Most often as mentioned is that you did not select a customer.


Already find the issue. my version cannot change the allocation of written off. i have used ver now. it works now well.

thanks for the help so far

Every thing works fine for me even when using divisions , but I found two small problems:

First: Contrary to what my friend Elvie_Periscilla_Eli mentioned, his allocation account only works with inventory cost, while I can choose any allocation account except inventory cost, I cannot choose it.

Second: When choosing an account for allocation (for example, Inventory Write-offs), and despite the correctness of the cost value, the system loads the value on the Inventory Write-offs, but not completely, but loads the inventory cost with a part of the value, and I do not know the reason

Currently it’s not possible to select Inventory - cost account. Is this an issue?

I’m not sure what you mean by this. Can you demonstrate using some screenshots?

Regarding the first paragraph, I have no problem. just I mentioned this note to have flexibility in the system’s operation.

As for the second paragraph:

The following image shows the summary after creating two purchase invoices and one sales invoice. Everything is fine.

The second image shows that the average cost of inventory is equal to 4.125 After confirming the recalculation

Now that we have recorded the Inventory Write-offs for 1000 items of inventory. Which is supposed to cost 4124 (1000 * 4.125)

We notice in the third image that the cost value is equal to 4041 instead of 4125 . The cost of inventory is equal to 8083 instead of 8000.
Total cost is correct. But why is the cost of inventory Write-offs shown to be less than necessary and the difference charged to inventory cost?


Work fine on me Desktop Edition v25.2.6.2070

Can you share screenshot of your sales, please

Yes it works fine if you record only one purchase transaction.
But if you try a record multi transactions the results will not be correct.
Just try two purchases with one sell before you record the inventory write off. Then test the results.

Test with 2 purchase with the same price, and make sales before Inventory Write off.

Calculation still good

you can try open Settings - Inventory Unit Costs
and remove all record, then recalculate Inventory Cost

Please illustrate with screenshots. So far you showed a single transaction and now report that @Mabaega was right that it works, but now add that it does not with “multi transactions” (whatever that is, do you mean multiple transactions or multi-line transactions?).

It is always more helpful to provide as much detail and illustrations as possible when raising an issue. Also a good idea to indicate Edition (Cloud, Server, Desktop), Operating System and version (Mac, Linux, Windows), and Manager version (if not on Cloud).

I think I have done the necessary clarification with the screenshots and explanation (you can refer to that), knowing that I am using the cloud version

Still mixed results. Can you try using purchases at different prices? Just to be sure?

I went through every post you made in this topic and you have not indicated that you use the Cloud version in any of these earlier posts.

Obviously when using different prices then you would get a different value for unit cost and thus for write-off.

It is not as you said. In the example i explained and in the screenshots, there is a clear error in calculating the inventory write-off. I do not know the reason and I have nothing to add.
I am sorry for the length. And I am sorry if my explanation is not clear.

I am sure there is a mistake in calculating the cost of inventory write-off and its impact on COGS. When the write-off is preceded by a sale and at least two purchases with different purchase prices. You can refer to the example I mentioned earlier and try that.
Please check


You’re right, there’s a miscalculation in the Inventory Write-Off if we’ve ever bought the same item at a different price.

From the following image,
Because we use FIFO, Inventory Write-Off should be worth 4,125.00 instead of 4,124.63
and Inventory - cost should be 12.00, not 12.37

This error appears even if the average cost method is used.

For Average this give me correct result
