User Permissions

Hi everyone,
It will make control sense if create and viewing access are separated. ie, one can create but cant view.

And how are people going to check what they created?

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Should be checked by another who has viewing permission. After all they can see what the posted before printing. This is for control purposes because if a Cashier for instance, can view his/her cash balances, he/she can manipulate the physical cash to the tune of what is on the system.

The potential for undetected mistakes would be huge.

May be there will be a way of not letting them view account balances instead.

@glowhite this will be eventually implemented but not the way you imagine. I do not want to make user permissions more complex than they already are. But I recognize there are user roles which do not fit neatly into user permissions.

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I would like to add another idea that I saw on some of the software I worked on which had the feature of “privacy levels”. Where you have three restriction levels (high, medium, low) that you can select for any receipt, payment, journal entry, customer, supplier, or item. Then you can select one of these levels for the users you want to prevent them from accessing sensitive information.

The common solution in this scenario for other software is giving view permission to the creator of a record.

So that means if someone created the entry, they can also view that same entry and (potentially) edit it again later. But other users at their same permission level can’t see it because they didn’t create it.

I wonder if that approach would fit @glowhite’s use case, and also satisfy the concerns of others?

Am looking at a scenario in which the creator of a transaction can view the transaction only and not see the balance of the account ie can view imprest payment/Receipt vouchers but can’t see the imprest Cash balance.

@glowhite, now you are moving away from where you started this topic. User permissions are already separate for looking at payment or receipt transactions and viewing bank or cash account balances.