Hello, I have been using Manager desktop version for a while and enjoying it. It is a simple and powerful.
I am now starting to swith to the cloud version with a trial. The first thing to do when I first log in is to import my businesses from my local disk. My questions are:
Once I import from local disk to the cloud, the local data will stay untouched as long as I only use the cloud version from now on?
Sometimes I do need to use the desktop version (for instance when I don’t have internet access). How do I make sure all data stay in sync from the cloud and local disk? I wonder how the two versions work together.
I have multiple businesses in the desktop version now. When using the cloud version, I will keep all the businesses and add more users, like employees (for certain transactions like expense claims) and an auditor (just for viewing). while in the desktop version does not support multi-user. I wonder how Manager handles such situation.
The business data in the cloud and on the desktop are completely independent
You can backup the business file on the Desktop and import it into the Cloud or backup the business file in the Cloud and import it onto the Desktop, but there is no update between the two editions.
To recap, there is no way to synchronise the files between the Desktop and the Cloud
Further to @Joe91’s answer, you cannot import the backup from the cloud version into a desktop version that’s older than the cloud version so you’ll need to keep the desktop version updated.
If you have significant IT resources at your disposal it is possible to run your own local server and it’s internet access. Doing so achieves local access to current data if the internet fails and remote access when YOUR internet is working well.
The problems with this solution is
Your internet is worse than Manager cloud / Amazon cloud, so remote access may be worse for remote users.
The cost of local IT services to actually run an online server is more than a cloud subscription.
If I want to upgrade to cloud edition in future, can I import my data?
Yes. Manager data is cross-compatible across all editions. We have a helpful guide which explains how to make backup in desktop edition and restore in cloud edition.
The referred helpful guide specifically says [emphasis added]:
Transferring data
A backup file can also be used to transfer accounting data between computers or editions of the program. The Backup button works exactly the same way on any platform. Follow these steps:
Choose a backup destination accessible to all computers involved in the transfer.
Back up the business to the backup destination.
Install Manager on the computer to which the data is being transferred, or access the server or cloud edition of the program via a browser on that machine.
Use the Add Business function to import the business to the new computer’s or browser’s list of businesses.
Very important also note, and as per @Mark’s commentn[empahsis added]:
New versions of Manager can open files created by older versions of the program. But sometimes, in doing so, they modify the data structure to incorporate new features. Therefore, older versions of the program cannot always import and open backups from newer versions of the program. Therefore, be sure all versions of the program on all machines involved in data transfers are the same. And be aware, if transferring to or from the cloud edition, the cloud edition is automatically updated.