Unexpected automatic currency gain (loss) accounts

Despite working with only one currency in this administration, two (system?) accounts appear.
How do I get rid of these?

Show us your Currencies page under Settings:

These accounts would appear if you have foreign currencies or exchange rates entered.

Also, what version number?

As you can see, all are light-blue coloured. They all are “empty”, not used.

You need to set the base currency.

Like this? Fields were empty, except for the [Decimal places] field.

After filling in the fields, the two currency accounts in the Summary were still present.

Did you ever have a foreign currency bank account that has since been deleted, even if you never had any transactions posted to it? In one of my test businesses, I have the Foreign exchange gains (losses) account, even though there are currently no foreign currencies defined. And a bank account in that businesses that was formerly denominated in a foreign currency shows an Exchange rate field for the (non-existent starting balance):

Real businesses that have only ever had a base currency do not have the forex account. The program behaves as though the automatic account never disappears once it is created, even if it is not needed any longer.

I cannot, however, cause the Unrealized currency gains (losses) to appear. Possibly the explanation is similar, but originates with another tab I have not tried.

Regardless, I don’t believe this should happen. I am putting the topics into bugs and editing the title.

For your information, it affected also all my other administrations.

These accounts should show only once you enter your first currency revaluation under Currency Revaluations tab.

Fixed in the latest version (23.11)

Thank you @lubos.