How can I stop the store transfer and sell invoices at negative value?
Please translate and edit your title. The forum is English only.
Your questions are not clear. What do you mean by stopping store transfer? Also, you do not sell invoices, at any value. What are you referring to?
The title translates to “Stopping Negative Values!!”
I want the program to stop the sale in case of the quantity sold more than the quantity in the store
Also for the transfer between the main store and the sub-store
في الخميس، 21 نوفمبر 2019 في 5:46 م تمت كتابة ما يلي بواسطة Ebrahim Alfardan via Manager Forum <manager1@discoursemail.com>:
Please search the forum before starting new topics. This subject has been discussed many times.
i did not find it … plz tell me how i do it
في الجمعة، 22 نوفمبر 2019 في 7:02 م تمت كتابة ما يلي بواسطة Tut via Manager Forum <manager1@discoursemail.com>:
في الجمعة، 22 نوفمبر 2019 في 7:02 م تمت كتابة ما يلي بواسطة Tut via Manager Forum <manager1@discoursemail.com>:
Search “negative quantity.”