Trouble getting started

Brand new user switching from QBO. I am having trouble getting started.

1. Bank account connection error message.

System.Exception: Error connecting to Forbidden
at ManagerServer.HttpHandlers.Businesses.Business.BankAndCashAccounts.FdxConnectBankAccount.InnerPost() in D:\a\Manager\Manager\ManagerServer\HttpHandlers\Businesses\Business\BankAndCashAccounts\FdxConnectBankAccount.cs:line 97
at ManagerServer.Startup.<>c.<b__1_3>d.MoveNext() in D:\a\Manager\Manager\ManagerServer\Startup.cs:line 105
ā€” End of stack trace from previous location ā€”
at Microsoft.AspNetCore.Diagnostics.ExceptionHandlerMiddlewareImpl.g__Awaited|10_0(ExceptionHandlerMiddlewareImpl middleware, HttpContext context, Task task)
WorkingSet64 not updated.

2. What is the bank page to link to?

3. When I copy the column headings to upload an old bank statement, nothing makes sense. I should see Date Amount Payee Category:

Name Code Currency Division ControlAccount HasInternationalBankAccountNumber InternationalBankAccountNumber CanHavePendingTransactions HasCreditLimit CreditLimit Inactive

Thank you in advance!

Welcome to the forum @SquareOne

This post is a handful. I will have to split the topic in order for the bug to be reported

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Thank you!

Regarding this:

Iā€™m not sure what you mean by this question or how is it relevant. Please explain in more detail

That because you are trying to Batch Create Bank Accounts in manager. :slight_smile:

To import bank statements, you need to click on Import bank statement

See this guide for more details:

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