Totals in General Ledger Summary

Isn’t that General Ledger Summary used to show Total for Liabilities/Equity/Assets? If not can you make it?
Because currently I see only for Income and only debits:

Because in GL Transactions totals are after every transactions, what is in very great detail

Not sure if that report use to have sub-totals at those positions, however your screenshot shows an account “Starting balance equity” with a balance.

Having this account indicates that there are errors with the entering of the Starting Balances.

It might be, but business name is “Test-1” and I am using it just to test/report anything, so this is not very important.

The General Ledger Summary is about movement in accounts. It is not a balance sheet. You have totals for debits and credits to show the books balance. Bit category totals would be confusing because they would not total correctly.