Tax reports and GST worksheet showing wrong income amounts

I’m trying to use Manager to calculate GST for the first time, and I feel like I must be doing something very wrong here, because the numbers it’s spitting out aren’t even close to what they should be. In fact, few of the reports seem to agree.

Compare the reported income from each report:

Profit and Loss (this one seems correct):

Tax Audit:

Tax Summary:

GST calculation worksheet:

The Tax Summary and GST calculation worksheet reports agree, but they should be reporting over $3000 sales, not $765 plus GST.

I have confirmed that these sales all have 10% GST, by clicking on the income amounts in the profit and loss statement.

All of these are reporting for the same period, and all on a ‘cash basis’. Most of the sales invoices paid during this period were dated before the period began, and before my Manager start date, which is 01/07/2014.

@lubos : Any ideas what I (or the software) might be doing wrong here? I’m really stumped at this point.

The most obvious explanation would be that P&L is generated on accrual-basis and tax summary on cash-basis.

If it’s not that as you say then figures you see shouldn’t even be possible. Do you mind sending your accounting file to ? I’m curious about this.

Many thanks for looking into this Lubos.

No, the P&L is set to ‘Cash basis’, as are each of the reports I included screenshots of.

Email sent.

Thanks. It looks like there was a bug on cash-basis when there were invoices with tax codes entered before start date (which is correct way to establish opening balances)

Check the latest version (15.4.37) where it should be fixed.

Mate thank you so much!! I’m doing a happy dance over here to see how perfectly everything now matches up. Serious thanks for correcting the bug so quickly!

As a side note, this is the only update where I recall seeing this warning on my Mac:

“” can’t be opened because it is from an unidentified developer.

Just letting you know in case it’s something you need to fix at your end. After force-opening the app, I was then asked:

Do you want the application “” to accept incoming network connections?

Again I don’t recall being asked this before (although I may have done it the very first time I installed Manager, and forgotten).

Something went wrong with digital signature in that particular version so the DMG binary was unsigned. I’m not able to reproduce this issue. Seems fixed if you download the newest DMG file.

Yep, just a one-off it seems. New download opens fine.