Tax Calculation Mismatch

Hi Lubos,
Currently i am facing an weird issue after updating the Desktop Version Support 19.7.51, as i had generated the invoice the Sub-Total amount is getting correct but Total amount is getting wrong after its add up CGST + SGST @ 18% and same i do by the calculator its show me different Total amount Below mentioned is the example for the same

As per Manager Calculation
Amount + CGST 9% + SGST 9% = Total Amount
211,000+ 18720 + 18720 = 248440

As per Desktop Calculator
Amount + CGST 9% + SGST 9% = Total Amount
211,000+ 18990 + 18990 = 248980

There is an difference of Rs. 540/- (INR) India

Attaching Screen shot for your reference.51%20Tax%20error

For your Info i am using Default Theme of the Manager. Request you to kindly do the needful.

Thanks & Regards
Nayan Mahajan

Please do not send personal messages for general questions like this. Your post was moved to the public forum.

Your description of your calculation in Manager is incorrect. You only applied the tax code to 2,08,000.00.