Supplier item codes

They are not reallly combined but name changed.

I am buying the same Item I sell.

The difference might be the time of delivery and price of the supplier the code and description.

Until now I always

1 Created for each new supplier item code I encountered, a new purchase item and I connected it to an inventory account item that might be already connected with a 2nd or 3rd purschase item.

2 If I haven’t sold the item before, I might have not created an intentory entry yet, so I was also creating the inventory entry that I would connect to the purchase item I had created at the time of purchase.

3 If there was an item like, gasoline, I would create a purchase item linked to the account automobile expenses.
(Now its nicer as if it is something like enviromental fees, I have to sell them to the customer as I bought them as well from the supplier (charged not bought), and if its gas, I can’t sell it. But both non-inventory items.(but thats not our problem right now)

My biggest problem is 1 and 2. How to do them now, and what happened to the many connections I’ve made in the past, probably around 600.

1 and 2 could be solved IF I used “item name” to include all supplier codes/descriptions from every supplier into a single long cell. Something like ` x00525 console dkj2klk electronic machine (This is a playstation).

But that doesn’t change the fact, that a whole functionality was dropped for something better, without really a warning or a backup plan for whoever was using that functionality. so, what happened to those connected items in the past?

This is the functionality I am looking for. Down on that link.