I have suppliers for more than one customer, how to make statement for supplier with each customer. Now when make statement show all transactions between customers and supplier
Welcome to the forum @Moh_Batarfi,
What exactly are you trying to achieve here? Because as far as I know, Customers and Suppliers have no business or legal relationships with each other.
I can only guess that you are acting as an agent for multiple customers, is that right?
Yes. So I’m trying to find way to find out the transactions for each client separately
Please use Manager terminology. We only know Customers and Suppliers. Please illustrate what exactly you want to do with screenshots.
If anything just create a test business and use the older guides at https://www2.manager.io/guides to familiarize yourself as they are far more extensive be it that they are not up to date so not all works as adverised.
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- Read the Guides first. They explain many features and functions of Manager. They include helpful illustrations and examples. We are always adding new ones and updating existing ones as capabilities of the program improve.
- Search before you post. Chances are good you are not the first person with a similar question. If you cannot find what you need in the Guides, thousands of topics with tens of thousands of postings make it likely the answer to your question is already here on the Forum. Before starting a new topic, tap into our huge, crowdsourced knowledge base.
@Moh_Batarfi there is more than one reason a business may believe a supplier in Manager should be listed with a customer in Manager. Which is your use case. For example you may
- have a contract / entity you both supply items as well a buy other items. This may or may not be done within a single barter transaction.
- Sell items on consignment so an individual item will have a distinct supplier and customer for each transaction.