I sold something to my customer and the invoice is:
1271,19 + 228,81 ( Tax %18 ) = 1500
Customer paid 500 for this invoice. When I generate the profit & loss statement on accrual basis, it shows:
- Sales of inventory item = 1271,19
On cash basis:
- Sales of inventory item = 423,72
But for me, it would be more useful if it would show:
Accrual basis:
- Sales of inventory item = 1500
- Tax payable = 228,81
Net = 1271,19
Cash basis:
- Sales of inventory item = 500
- Tax Payable = 76,28
Net = 423,72
Why I want this function like this?
500 is taken by salesman from the customer but in profit & loss statement it appears as 423,72. This is not real report. And sometimes there is no tax on invoice so I can’t calculate the total. If my suggestion applied, the problem disappear.
I found another solution. If you add a tracking codes into balance sheet, cash summary, trial balance and general ledger summary report, the problem is solved.
First of all, sale amounts on profit & loss statement should always be as per accounting standards shown as tax-exclusive so this is not up to negotiation.
What you really want is some simple report that will show amounts invoiced by tracking code for specific period of time, right?