Streamlined workflow for revaluating inventory items

The latest version (24.10.28) is streamlining workflow when using periodic inventory revaluation.

Going to Reports tab, creating a revaluation worksheet, then viewing it, then copying results to new Inventory Revaluation etc. It’s too many steps.

In the latest version, the number of steps has been greatly reduced.

If you have Average Cost column visible under Inventory Items tab, you will see new Recalculate button above the column name.

Clicking on the button will recalculate average costs and if they are different, then you will see the following screen.

To accept changes, click Batch Update button. This will create (or update) inventory revaluation entries under Settings tab.

This feature will also work when drilling-down into Inventory on hand account within Summary tab or within financial statements. This allows to recalculate average costs as at the report date.

Currently the recalculation is using FIFO (first in first out) method but the plan is to support other methods too. This will allow to switch between methods based on business requirements.


@lubos there is still an issue with calculation of items that are produced not purchased even if production order got only one Finished Item and this is distorting the financial statements, and we also don’t know how much a product is costing us. Previously it would give us precise info about the cost of finished items.
Also, the Revaluation worksheet under reports is gone. I think that was better still in case if we want to see that report at different periods without making new revaluations.

In the latest version (24.10.30) recalculation button works with production orders too.

Thanks @lubos. Just checked its calculating it now but still the cost is not matching the avg cost of automatic revaluation (it is not due to FIFO).
Apart from that also noticed the worksheet is also missing other costs such as duties etc where qty is zero just amount is entered.
Any drilldown menu to see from where these suggested costs are coming would be excellent.
Edit: Just checked this in a Test Business its working fine. But still if possible, to know how these costs are coming would be great.

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Fixed in the latest version (24.11.1)

I agree that the figures should be clickable so it can be reviewed what transactions have been used to calculate them and how.

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@lubos can you explain how these extra costs (duties freight etc) are applied in FIFO? In Average method it makes sense where the costs is added to the total value and divided by total qty but in FIFO it is applied to which invoice? As there is no option in allocating those extra costs to a Purchase Invoice. So right now it is even more confusing.

I assume those costs are distributed among all items on the invoice.

@Patch i am not talking about Freight-in buitin feature.

What happens in this case. To which qty this cost is allocated? When is this capitalized cost expensed out? As it is not linked to any Qtyonhand/Qtyowned and in FIFO qty of older purchase invoice is expensed out first.

@lubos Checked different scenarios in a Test business and found that Recalculation screen carry those extra costs indefinitely and add those amounts whenever you are recalculating even if those costs are not relevant at that point. Yes it now takes those amounts into consideration but doesn’t expense it out even when the qty is sold to which those costs belong.

Actually it does expense them but it didn’t expense them proportionally. This has been improved in the latest version (24.11.2)


Can’t we do like a reverse line discount on purchased items that have duty? like

Item Unit Price Qty Customs Duty
Item1 10.00 10 10.00
Item2 5.00 5 5.00

This way you can assign the duty at the exact amount if you buy multiple items that have different duty rates.

A post was split to a new topic: How to create purchase orders using API

Hi Lubos. I don’t know if my problem is related to this topic but after this update, the inventory consumption in my accounts have gone completely incorrect.

Firstly, in the Inventory Items Tab, I can no longer click on the total value of inventory item which used to give the detail of all transactions till now and explain how the total amount is calculated, but now I cannot check that.

Next, I used to consume the inventory quantities at the end of each month and transfer the cost to some specific accounts in the Profit and Loss, but now the inventory write-off entries do not give the option to select this account.

Even the previous entries have changed and all inventory consumption is being recorded directly to the “Inventory - cost” Account in the Profit and Loss, which is a problem for us, because we have different types of inventories and we are recording their consumption in different expense accounts in the Profit and Loss.

Please suggest what can be the reason for this change. Thanks.