Status of quotes, Sales Orders and Purchase Orders Idea

My updated idea of the Purchases and Sales workflows (Quotes and Orders Stage)

(Please there is no relationship between the two tables, everything is random)

The Progress bar will track the progress of the quantities of items delivered to customers in the sales workflow and received from suppliers in the purchases workflow. The progress bar would show the Net Quantities of items delivered divided by the total number of all items on the order (including untracked/non-inventory items)

The Invoiced Bar tracks the amount of quantity of Inventory/Non-inventory items that have been invoiced. The Invoiced Bar would show the Net quantity of invoiced items compared to the total number of all items on the linked order. (including untracked/non-inventory items)

Delivery Progress computation example


Note, the “Net” here means the calculation considers adjustments made with credit or debit notes.

The system currently does not ask for a Delivery date for both Purchase and Sales orders and also Validity period for both Sales and Purchases Quotes. I suggest they are added to enable the system to determine when quotes are invalid and when orders have gone past due dates.

Quotes should automatically be closed when they are converted or referenced on an invoice or order

Status of orders (purchase and Sales orders) should automatically change to closed after Delivery is 100%. The User should also be able to mark an order as closed.