Simple way to make auto run for manager-server

I had a problem to make auto run on manager-server. I’ve tried all the options. Also from guide. Any ways are difficult and work not properly. I have Arch based disto - Manjaro linux. So, I’m doing this:

  1. Extract program archive: /root/user/share/manager-server/ManagerServer
  2. Paste into terminal:

sudo printf “[Unit]\\n\n[Service]\nLimitNOFILE=1048576\nExecStart=/usr/bin/mono /usr/share/manager-server/ManagerServer.exe -port 8080\nRestart=on-failure\nStartLimitInterval=600\n\n[Install]\” | sudo tee /etc/systemd/system/manager-server.service

  1. Select ManagerServer.exe in the Autostart (startup)
  2. Click OK and work

Not other commands are required (systemctl daemon-reload, systemctl start manager-server, systemctl enable manager-server). Every time after restart PC my ManagerServer start auomaticly. Also have tested on original Arch Linux and it work too.

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