Show Inventory Qty Balance

The manager forum enables editing your posts and combining text with pictures.
Screen pictures are best taken with screen capture commands on your computer.
Combining pictures and text description of your idea or problem is the best way of clearly explaining to others your perspective. Without a clear description other forum users are forced to guess what you mean which is usually error prone.

When moving from one accounting program to another, the first thing all users notice is the new program does things in a different manner. To accurately assess if the new way is

  • Better
  • Worse
  • or just different

You will need to learn how Manager is designed to be used. I would recommend reading the table of contents of the guides first so you have an idea what is well documented Guides | Manager

The forum has some structure, threads can be classified as describing a

  • Bug
  • Idea
  • unclassified, which includes general support and early versions of the above two thread types

Restrictions on low quantities is already in the ideas however may users purchase stock only after a customer orders a item so preventing a negative stock balance would not be functional for them. See Inventory zero warning