Hi, I’m a new user trying to set up Manager for a new business. I am based in the USA.
Q1a. How do the default (“built-in”) accounts in the chart of accounts work?
Q1b. Why if I change the name of one of those built-in accounts does Manager still show the old (default) name, but with a line through it (using strikethrough)?
I have read the “Guides” – many of them, though not all. I have watched some videos to help me understand how Manager[.]io works.
I understand double entry accounting. In setting up the books for this new business, I used “Customize” at the bottom of the left panel and selected the areas I think are relevant for this business.
Q2a. Does putting tick marks for those areas I think are relevant create certain accounts in the Chart of Accounts?
Q2b Whether it does that or not, what else does ticking an item such as “Bank and Cash Accounts [Popular]” do?
Q3. Are the built-in (default0 accounts in the Chart of Accounts tied internally to certain under-the-hood functions in Manager[.i]o such that those accounts should only be used for things the developer(s) of Manager.io planned for them to be used for?
Q4. Is there a guide or are there videos what would describe in detail setting up a new business? I know what I want for a Chart of Accounts, so that is not a problem. What I do not want to do is set things up such that Manager[.]io cannot do what it should do quickly and properly.
Thank you very much!
New users can only put two “links” in a post, and Manager.io is considered a link. Therefore I had to use the brackets to cancel the links.