Setting starting balances using a journal entry (unbalanced)

Hello, I think I understand that the new and proper way to enter starting balances for bank accounts is by creating a journal entry.

This post by @lubos and some replies in that thread helped steer me in the right direction.

I have two questions:

  1. I initially set the starting balance with a receipt to the bank account. I believe this was the wrong way and this entry needed to be deleted?
  2. After I deleted the receipt, I created a journal entry debiting the bank account with the starting balance. The journal entry has a red notice “Unbalanced.” Is it okay to leave this entry unbalanced or am I missing a step? What would I credit to balance the transaction?

Thank you for your help.

Leaving unbalanced any entry is wrong approach, you need to select retained earnings account and put the amount on credit side for balancing the entry.


Thank you!

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