How i can store serial number of product while purchase and while sale to put on invoice ? i have mobile store and each mobile has unique serial number. so for warranty purpose, i must have to store in manager and mention on invoice while sales. please advise
In my opinion i Think it’s better to create a custom box for this purpose.
can you explain how i can create custom field for each item serial no?
If you want the manufacturer’s serial number to be updating automatically that is impossible. But you can include a custom field on the purchase Invoice as well as on the Sales invoice were you’ll be able to enter the serial numbers manually. similar to this one i use to capture Invoices numbers for my suppliers.
yes i understand. and i can enter serial number while purchase. but is if possible while making sales, once i entered product code, all serial number for the same product appears and i select one which i am selling ?
The best is to create the custom field under inventory since the mobile phones you buy and sell are your inventories.
Once created under inventory the field will be appearing both on Purchase and Sales invoices once the Inventory code is selected.
It is not possible to store the serial number in the inventory item
Each inventory item is considered identical to all inventory items with the same name
All you can do is note the serial number(s) on the sale invoice
Or you could create a separate inventory item for each phone, using the serial number as part of the name but this is probably not very convenient nor useful
Yes i think it is limitation. in one software there was an option when we purchase any item and enter quantity, it will ask if need to enter serial no ? if we select, it will open space to enter serial number for what ever quantity you purchase. and while sales, once we enter item code and quantity, if item has stored serial number, it will open automatically and we just have to select serial number from there. this is very easy and useful option for business where warranty is involved
Manager does not have this capability, it is an accounting application with basic inventory management. You are advised to use a POS system and use Manager for accounting.