Sales invoice tab - invoice total should be gross invoice amount

I’m of the view that “Invoice Total” is the total invoice amount. The amount net of withholding tax should be called “Net Invoice Value” or something more appropriate.

This is also carried into the Sales Order tab which wrongly calls the “Net Invoice” amount The “Invoiced” Amount.

Working with the Amount net of tax (Net Invoice) as “Sales Invoice” or “Invoiced” amount means mathematically the order never gets fulfilled. From the example above, you can see that the Invoiced amount will never match Sales order amount because the sales order shows the “Gross Amount” and the invoice amount shows the “Net Invoice” amount.

I have mentioned here Status of quotes, Sales Orders and Purchase Orders Idea - #56 by Abeiku in response to this Sales Order: invoiced amount ignores withholding tax

I believe we should shift to working with the Gross amounts instead. Whenever sales invoices totals are reported anywhere in the program, they should be reported at 100%.