Sales Discount (per total or per item?)

Before Discount Amount 100 USD
Discount per Item 25 USD
Invoice Total, net of Discount = 75USD for one item

This is how it works before : Discount is PER ITEM.
Example ;
Before Discount Amount 100 USD x 10 pcs
Discount per Item 25 USD (in the column or Discount)
Invoice Total, net of Discount = 750 USD

TODAY: Discount is not applied PER ITEM.
Example :
Before Discount Amount 100 USD x 10 pcs
Discount per Item 25 USD (in the column or Discount)
Invoice Total, net of Discount = 975 USD
Effect : Only correct if only 01 item is encoded per line item.

Is this correct? Or has it changed?

Which one is correct?

I was in the middle of a meeting when this happened.

Thanks for immediate reply.

If you select the Discount checkbox in a sales invoice, the discount is always applied on the Unit price of the selected item and not on the total.
make sure you do not confuse Percentage & Exact amount for the discount.

the above would happen if you selected Percentage and entered 25 in the Discount column.

the above would happen if you selected Exact amount and entered 25 in the Discount column.

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I thought the exact amount works same way…

I was expecting the same behavior as how percentage discount works.

So ,Exact amount pertains to “exact amount” for one LINE ITEM …and not on a per unit…

Thank you for the immediate response.

Actually, both Percentage and Exact amount are applied to the Amount field, not the Unit price field. But the mathematical result is the same as if the percentage were applied to the unit price.

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