Right click on tab crashes program in Windows

@dalacor I tried it earlier, but I couldn’t. by clicking the pencil next to the tile opens the widow of changes history of this topic. I couldn’t find anywhere to do my editing. if you know how please direct me. thank you.

@Tut will have to advise you on that one. Maybe different users have different privileges based on length of time on forum or something. I have never had issues editing my topic title.

You show history. Yu should edit subject line from Right click on tab crashes program in Windows

I tried may times already. I couldn’t edit it. even if I could edit also, there is no place or clickable button to save the editing. Maybe different users have different privileges as @dalacor said

Can you please show a full screenshot of the subject line.

when I click the pencil: This is what coming out

Don’t know when it was cleared,
On version 21.4.60, the right click problem no more exist.
Thank you @lubos and others.