There are a few threads about this, but not one specifically requesting the change. Here’s a reply from @lubos back in 2015 answering why only ‘monthly’ is available as an option. The user wanted a daily option.
Please consider updating this feature to have additional options:
The current implementation of ‘monthly’ works, but lacks practicality for those that would rather a much shorter time frame.
Personally, I’d prefer the ‘weekly’ option the most out of what I listed above.
Not exactly a 1:1 match with the existing functionality, but that’ll only cause a minor issue when updating to the version of Manager that has this change (e.g. if invoices with late fees exist when updating from an older business file, should lubos set these old monthly ones as 28, 30, or 31 days? - at the moment I assume it’s done based on the date).
Another related request - to be set under the ‘Settings’ tab:
Should late fees be automatically applied for new invoices? (Yes/No)
If the above is true, what the default % and # days should be.
The following topic discusses the impact that late fees are having on the “total amount in words” for an invoice in India, so it is partially related to this idea / request … in that, any changes to the late fee implementation should probably take this other thread into account as well:
Would love this feature! Is there a timeline somewhere for what is being worked on?
We left Xero and came to Manager for the ability to add finance charges and offer early payment discounts but since we use net10 and add charges at 20, Manager doesn’t work as smoothly at we’d like.
Thanks Tut, that is disappointing but I know a road map can cause problems for a developer. We left Xero primarily because they lacked these basic features but they also didn’t follow through on their promises. It seems our old Peachtree had many more features than anything offered online now. I hope these features will be expanded in the near future as I’d really hate to have to switch again. We really do like Manager.
Do you know if there’s a team of developers or only one?