How can I reconcile American Express when the ending balance is from 12 to 12 not from 1st to end of the month? when I reconcile even the dates asked don’t match. I’m doing 12/18/14 to 01/18/15 then to 02/15/15. why reconcile ask me for 03 January 2015 ? and jumps from random dates?
After Many 0.00 and Update clicks
Now I got on a part where I see Closing balances, nothing to do, it is set on JAN 1st, how can I adjust it to the closing date?
What you see is some sort of reconciliation wizard which is faster way to reconcile than traditional (ticking) process.
There is also going to be traditional process of reconciling if that’s what you are used to. Just check again in a week or so since it’s something that is currently being worked on.