Recalculate button showing different inventory cost every time pressed

Our inventory cost are changing rapidly due to recalculate button, then happens without doing any transaction or entry. Please guide us on how to proceed with this as our costing plus profit & loss accounts are showing abnormal numbers
Thanks in advance

New update solved my issue. but only thing which is troubling me now is inventory profit margin report showing different COGS from COGS shown in summary

Inventory profit margin report still uses older (slow) inventory valuation. The same goes for inventory value summary report.

Thanks for reply, by slow what should we mean WAC or FIFO? it’s troubling me because we are closing year & i am afraid that COGS should not change in previous previous months my summary COGS was matching inverntory profit margin COGS. Plus now with “inventory unit cost” under “settings” tab is automatically updating unit cost in previous months till October

i think manager should not update cost in previous months, that’s my suggestion. New update is good but it should not impact previous months

@Dojky this is just temporary as a result of transition. Historical inventory unit costs need to be stored in the database. Once they are calculated, Manager won’t be automatically updating them unless you explicitely click Recalculate button for that date/period.

This will ensure that your historical figures won’t change even if there are improvements to inventory costing algorithm in newer versions.


okay noted. Now please guide on inventory profit margin report issue. i need to close year and it should match with summary report. if your team is working on it; i can wait for a day or two to close my fiscal year

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Good day sir
Summary profit & profit margin report still showing different COGS due to this retained earnings figures are doubtful to me. Please guide me how to proceed