Purchase invoice vs expense claim

In the purchase invoice, i have already included GST.
When keying for expense claim payer, do i need to check GST included?

There is no check GST included on an expense claim form

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such an option has been suggested on the forum. you can vote for it.

so it is considered already in the total sum?

Yes, it is. You can read the discussion in the thread @sharpdrivetek linked to understand why. In that thread, you will see that @sharpdrivetek has proposed an option. Personally, I do not think such an option is appropriate, but we will see what the developer decides.

An Expense Claim is nothing more than a re-titled Purchase Invoice where the creditor is an employee (generally) instead of a supplier.

So, if it’s not appropriate to have it on a Purchase Invoice which has been re-titled to Expense Claim why is it appropriate to have it on the Purchase Invoice.

Just another example of where Manager contradicts itself.

You can read my detailed reasoning in the linked thread. Basically, it boils down to the fact that the claimed amount on an expense claim already includes the tax. In the other thread, I asked for examples where that was not the case. No one came up with any.

This statement brings up two points:

  • First, you should not retitle a purchase invoice as an expense claim in Manager. While the financial results might be the same in the end, you would be sacrificing functionality in the program, such as automatic posting to capital accounts, expense claim summarization in Reports, etc. It would also require setting up the expense claim payer as a supplier, a needless step—especially if the payer already has a capital account. And you would be distorting your Accounts payable account with transactions not really payable to suppliers, but representing liabilities to owners or employees. That is sloppy accounting.
  • Second, true purchase invoices from actual suppliers require the option to accommodate suppliers who invoice in either manner. Expense claims do not.
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Not necessarily.
1 ) You go to the Stationers and purchase a range of items for both business and private use which you pay with personal funds. The Suppliers Invoice / Receipt lists all the items on an ex-tax basis with a single tax total. The expense claim for the business only items can’t be created without external calculations.
2) You go to the Grocer’s and purchase a range of items for both business and private use which pay with personal funds. Not only are the items listed on an ex-tax basis with a single tax total, but this situation can be further complicated where the you have both taxable and non-taxable items which can be the case with business tea room supplies.

There were some examples given but you dismissed them as being unacceptable to you.

You completely misunderstood the comment so I will re-draft it for you.
"So, if it’s not appropriate to have it on the Expense Claims form which is in essence just a re-titled Purchase Invoices form, why is it appropriate to have it on the Purchase Invoices form.

“Expense claims do not” - in your limited view. As in this and the other topic you totally ignore the principle being raised and instead nit-picked them down so that users have to provide responses which can satisfy your personal acceptance.

For myself, it’s not a matter if justifiable examples exist or not, but that Manager is once again inconsistent. The Purchase Invoice and the Expense Claim both create a payable liability and therefore should be of equal features, regardless of third party document presentation.