Position of custom field on line item within invoice

who will know how to move the position columns from right to left
I have tried placing negative and positive values to place the items column first and then the description but it does not move

The position field is only to determine ordering among other custom fields.

However, your custom field Items… you might not need custom field for that. Just create Non-inventory items, use them on your invoices and the column Item will show as the first column automatically.

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Hi, I am aware of that this thread is a few month old, but I have a similar problem. Only I would like to move the custom field column to the right, next to Total. I use it to break up certain costs and show subtotals like

description Qty Unit Price SUBTOTAL Total

at the moment the SUBTOTAL is positioned right to the description, which doesn’t really make sense.

Is there a way to do that?

I am using version

Sorry for not posting a pic, I simple have no clue how to do that.


Use a screen capture tool. Then add the image using the upload icon above the composing pane: Screenshot 2023-03-07 at 11.15.58 AM

The short answer to your question is that you cannot do what you want.

The long answer is that it is technically feasible using a custom theme. But those are now considered obsolete features and will be removed from the program soon. It would involve quite elaborate looping and substitution filtering in the Liquid code. I mean no disrespect, but if you are unable to figure out image uploads on the forum, writing such a custom theme would likely be beyond your skill level. And, given that themes are on their way out, it would not be worthwhile to hire a programmer to write one for you.

It is also not clear why you want to do this. There is no field named “SUBTOTAL.” The “Total” column is the subtotal for a line on a transaction: quantity multiplied by unit price plus any applicable tax selected. Why you would want to include such a calculation result in a custom field when the program already calculates it for you is inexplicable. What costs you are trying to “break up” is also murky.