Populate Sales Price in inventory

Desktop version OS Windows 11 Home. I have read the guides on this subject however they do not seem to address the issue below

Hello I have done a purchase order, receipted the goods, raised a production order ( with a non inventory item)_ and the attached screenshot shows the correct balance of items, however I cannot find how I can populate the sales price. I have looked up “edit the columns” and as you can see from the screen shot have ticked the sales price but it has not populated. Also when you provide this information, I have two requirements being, some of the items will be marked up by say 30% and another item will be marked up at a certain value. I have not raised a slaes invoice yet, so do I have to do that before the inventory sales price appears?, as I thought it would be allowable for future sales, without having to make the sale to populate the inventory item.
I would apreciate your assistance please.

sorry instead of "but it has not populated) I meant to say, I cannot populate it

See some topics in the ideas category (just search for Sales Price) and you will find information as per below link. These topics also explain the need to use Invoices when wanting to populate Sales and Purchase price (please note you need to set these to autofill, but keep at default 0 as will change when invoices are created, see screenshot). The idea below also shows that markups are not yet implemented because it would have been removed from the category

As mentioned in my last post, I am invoicing a production order which is based on 2 material items and one non inventory item. How is it possible for the system to determine what my selling price is for each item as I just rate it at $160. I have submitted a few other posts previoudlay which have remained unanswered other than Lubos offering a suggestion to create inventory kits but they do not work for non inventory items.

2 posts were merged into an existing topic: Variable invoices without line totals and only grand total

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A post was merged into an existing topic: Variable invoices without line totals and only grand total