Please create Inventory Valuation report with Quantity as well

Right now we need to open two separate reports

Quantity summary
Valuation Summary

Please if possible

All I do to get that information is open the inventory tab, display all items, create an advanced query, copy to clipboard, and then paste into excel. You can also just right click and print the ‘report’ to PDF.

One issue with this method is that you can not get this information at a specific date. Only works if you want to know the current position of inventory.

This is the method I’m using at the moment as well but this report does not capture the movement as the other report does which we need.

The best thing will be if we can combine the inventory quantity summary and inventory valuation summary report.


You can get both from the Inventory Items tab, no need to create a new report.
You can also run an advanced query to print the report.