PDC cheque in system

How to add PDC cheque in system

Record PDC on issuing date, and reconcile it with bank statement.


I assume that by PDC you are referring to a post-dated cheque. If true, understand that from an accounting perspective a post-dated cheque is not a transaction. It is not currently negotiable. Nor is it a liability, because it could be cancelled prior to its date of validity. And, in fact, post-dated cheques are illegal in many—if not most—jurisdictions. So good accounting practice would be not to enter a post-dated cheque at all.

Accounting records document what has already happened, not what may happen in the future.


I do as Per Accounting practice, but i see some software show PDC in statement that’s why im asking…show balance after PDC

I want to enquire about this

@Tut gave you a good answer, i.e. do not accept PDC cheques as you already do not as per your reply:

So do not change your accounting practice to a dubious one and move forward.

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Your example also does not look like it came from an accounting system. It looks like some type of cash book recording system or register balancing software.


No< This is An Accounting software Example, We Issue too Much PDC Cheques, Any field We Can Add In Statements By Custom Fields???
