Payroll Tax and Payroll Liabilities

Do your payslips show the Super Payable amount? It should sit under the Net pay figure - bottom right.

If so, the amount should be sitting in the Superannuation Payable liability account. (seen on the front summary screen under Less Liabilities.

When you are ready to pay the super at BAS time, you go to the Cash Account, and select Spend Money.
You select the Superannuation Payable account and enter the amount you need to pay to the Super Fund.

For Superannuation use Setting - Payroll Items - Payroll Contributions Item, not Payroll Deductions item. Payroll Contributions Item will create both the expense and liability entry

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Did you see this guide for setting up the payslip items? Setting up payroll

Thank you for your quick reply.
I think I have it worked out now…and yes I did read guides.
It’s the unfamiliar terms used when I don’t really know the program yet.
But I do love it!

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OK so I finally have a payslip the way it should look, but when I go to pay it in my bank account, I don’t get the Wages & Salary option to pay it!

What am I doing wrong now!!! frustrating…and don’t please ask if I have read the guides, I have, and none of them make it clear to me why the Wages & Salary is not an option to choose, how do I pay it!

Thanks in advance!
Frustrated Me…all day to write one payslip!

The nett of the Payslip (earning - tax) is posted to the BS Liabilities - Employees Clearing account. So when you want to pay the employee the Spend Money account is Employees Clearing account - that is where the 560 is posted to

On the payslip in your screenshot there is one problem - the Earning account is showing Suspense, where it should be showing the Wages & Salary account. To fix this just edit the account under Settings - Payslip Items - Payslip Earnings Item - Wages.

The default for all Payslip Earning Items is Wages & Salaries so there is no need to change it unless you want to.

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To amplify on what @Brucanna has already said, creating the payslip debits the Wages & salaries account (an expense account) and credits Employee clearing account (a liability account). The employee’s upcoming paycheck has been “earned.” The company has recorded an expense for wages and a corresponding liability, because you owe the employee money.

When it comes time to make the actual payment, some cash account must be credited and the Employee clearing account debited. Thus, the employee’s paycheck is “paid.” Now you will have recorded a payment from a cash account, with corresponding clearance of the liability.


Thank You, Thank You, Thank You!

This has been causing me so much confusion…it’s really hard to understand the setting up, but is great after much tears and frustration!


One last question, after paying the wage payslip through my bank account and choosing suspense as the account – shouldn’t my Employee clearing account balance go back to zero?

Please re-read the above replies, you choose the Employee Clearing account not Suspense.
You should NEVER use Suspense and the Suspense account should NEVER have a balance

So when you want to pay the employee the Spend Money account is Employees Clearing account.

Thank you all is well now! Sorry for the misunderstanding…Again Thanks!:blush:

I have set up my wages etc and is working fine but the wages amount is not showing in my liabilities (wages) have I done something wrong? this is a screen shot. Please help. Thankyou

Firstly you seem to be operating under an old edition of Manager - so you should update
Secondly you don’t seem to have an “Employees Clearing Account” under Liabilities.
So how did you do the Wages, via the Payslip tab or other method.

Perhaps you could post a screen shot of the actual wages transaction
There are also some other oddities in your screen shot but these can be discussed later

I second @Brucanna’s questions and comments. In particular, where did your Wages liability account come from? It serves no purpose and should be replaced by the Employee clearing account mentioned, which is created automatically.

I’m also concerned about Starting balance equity. I can anticipate several other of the “oddities” @Brucanna mentioned.

Thanks for the response, this is a screen shot of a pay slip

I think I just changed the name of the employee clearing account to wages.
I also had a payment to be made for the last BAS of the last financial year, how do I show that in spend money?

How do I do an update, I’ve only been using Manager for 3 months and thought I had the latest version. I appreciate your help and would like to know what other oddities you can see. Thanks again.

For clarity in getting this assistance, perhaps you could reverse that name change so we are all talking the same language. If it has been changed then Settings - COA should look like this.

As for the Payslip, that looks ok. Have you done a Spend Money to pay those wages, if yes then the ECA should be nil. The payslips credit the ECA and the Spend Money debits the ECA so they cancel each other out. If you click on the blue dash next to the ECA (Wages) account you should get a display of all the entries processed - perhaps you post a screen shot.

Now for some of the oddities - in the BS Liabilities section you seen to be running double accounts for PAYG and Superannuation - is there a reason for that. Usually you don’t need the “payable” account. Any payments are usually posted to the “collection” account so any balance reflects the outstanding liability.

For example - if you accumulate 1200 PAYG in the 1st quarter, then when you pay that PAYG the account technically returns to zero but the new balance would reflect the accumulated PAYG for the 2nd quarter. Same with Superannuation.

Now for the BAS - is that a re-name of the Tax Payable Account (GST). It should operate in exactly the same way as the example above. Spend Money with the Account = BAS.

To Update - click on Desktop Edition at the top of the Forum Home Page, then click Download.
There are almost daily updates, but doing it once a month would be good practise.

Now for the BS Equity section - what is the purpose of the Brian’s PAYG payments account ?
There shouldn’t be any account showing called Starting Balance Equity, if there is - then your opening balances are out of balance. To correct this you need to compare the Balance Sheet report from your previous accounting system to the Manager Report - Starting Balances. They should all match off.

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Thanks so much, I have changed the accounts as per screen shot. I have still got a superannuation payable in liabilities as I have paid the super, I do so monthly to a designated company, and it wasn’t showing as paid without this account.
The starting balance equity was the balance of our bank account as per the 1/7/16 when I started using Manager. We pay our PAYG quarterly with our BAS how do I show it in 'spend money"? Sorry for all the questions, I just need to get it right so I can do our first BAS with Manager.

You should have put that amount in as starting balance of the bank account under Cash Accounts. Edit the account right in the Cash Accounts tab.

Also, while not wrong, it is unusual to show expense account balances as negatives. The accounting convention is that by being listed under Expenses, it is understood they are subtractions from income. Under Settings => Chart of Accounts, edit the Expenses group by checking the box for Expenses.