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I think @elni has a good point to be able to allocate later. One example comes to my mind is for imported bank transactions for which bank rules were applied.

It would be nice to be able to identify auto allocated receipts in case the user wanted to be a bit more meticulous about the allocation. Maybe a flag, a status, a report.

While that would definitely do the trick, it would be nice if a built-in unallocated payments account exists which gives us access to all unallocated receipts for each customer – much like how we can access billable expenses from the customer screen right now.

Aside from that, @elni you can still do manual allocations after the fact by using Journal Entries like so:

The debit resulting from this allocation will cancel out with the auto allocated receipt amount. You can also do it for a bunch of receipts at a time.

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Tx alot Ealfardan, yes that is my solution at the moment. I reconcile daily and manually allocate what I can. If a Cash customer does not have a reference on their bank deposit (I also import) or/and the amount does not match 100% or there are several of the same amounts, I inevitably keep tabs on them on Excel. :wink:

That’s sadly not a solution to my problem. Spesific Supplier or Customer will not balance. I know exactly to which account (Supplier or Customer) the payment belongs to and capture the transaction same. Just do not always have the *Invoice number at hand the moment I process the payment or receipt. Tx tho :slight_smile:

Of course would you allocate a payment, receipt or invoice to a customer or supplier. When we talk about income and expense accounts these relate to the financial transactions of the items and services listed. The special accounts we talk about assigning these line items to that account so the amounts are allocated to this temporary account. As soon as you get the invoice you can then re-allocate it.

Please help me out here:

So to customer / supplier but not “accounts receivable”? (apologies if this is a dumb question).

Tx in advance.

It is not clear what you are referring to - please show using a screen shot

Maybe just a quick screenshot of what my initial request to this forum was. Just spesific invoice allocating. Hope its clearer:

I think this request boils down to having an entry in the Invoice column named, e.g., Pending, Unallocated, or whatever.