I would concur with this. It has long been a complaint of Manager that the contrast is not effective, making it hard to see what tab is active as well affecting readability for users with vision issues. In addition, the yellow background makes the program looks slightly dated as well. This is something that needs to be addressed regardless of whether end users have any vision issues. The Customer Portal looks a lot better with surprisingly few changes.
This is specifically an issue for users with vision issues. For the average user like myself, I have no problems reading the text. I would recommend using the Cloud version of Manager. By using the Cloud version of Manager, you can take advantage of Jaws and NVDA which all browsers should support. This will address font sizes, colour of fonts and many other accessibility features. I do not feel that it makes sense to re-invent the wheel in every program to address access issues, but rather get the program to use already well established addons that are designed for this explicit purpose in mind.
I can’t comment on this as I never use the customer statements.
Again the cloud version is what you are looking for. The desktop version is intended for a single user, so by that very definition will never support logins and passwords. Your computer login is deemed sufficient for this. This has been requested before, but has been declined by the developer on the basis that the Desktop is meant to be single user and your computer will already have a login anyway!
Due to the number of topics in the ideas category, I don’t know when, nor if the developer will implement any accessibility requests - see topic - Screen reader accessibility for blind users? where you can see this has been in the ideas category for close to four years. The Cloud version and Jaws and NVDA should in theory be able to support most, if not all of your vision access issues. Please be aware, I am not the developer, so I have no say in the timescale or decision in what ideas are implemented and when.