I think, it seems to me that there is something wrong in the calculation of late payment fee.
Amount: 1000, due 01.01.2016, interest 1%. Results by Manager are:
Second case in connection with the same topic:
is there or will be there some additional adjustments to setup late payment fees settings?
Example: by day, by month, by year?
Third case in connection with the same topic:
the customer also needs a some document (an invoice), to pay this fees. But when im looking invoice self, there is no any additional information about this fee. Only interest rate.
I think, it wold be nice to show also how many days invoice is over and how it will be charged.
The numbers you have listed correspond to 1% per month compound interest. That is, the late fee of 1% applies to the total of all previous months’ charges, plus 1% for the current month.
I understand your issue. I have, in the past, added separate late fee line items to invoices, allocated to appropriate accounts. Then I’ve issued a revised invoice with “(Revised)” annotation in the invoice number or a prominent note to that effect.