This is confusing to me, as wouldn’t a Bank be in Assets? whereas a mortgage/bank loan should be a Liability, this is where I just can’t visualise how it should all look, and searching for a template or guide.
To expand on this just a little more (and I’d be interested in any comments), as this is a personal investment for negative gearing against my income tax, there would of course be my personal bank account, which receives both my wages from my employer (just happens to be my micro-business) and the rent from the 2x property agents
This personal bank account services all four mortgages (2x properties x 2x bank loans each).
The personal bank also services any other payments like insurance, rates, repairs, etc.
Logically as this personal bank account is also used for everyday expenses (groceries, fuel, etc), I wouldn’t want to keep track of things unrelated to personal spending, nor need to reconcile the bank account (I think).
What would be of value is to be able to keep track of the 4x mortgages (reconcile these) and all expenses related to the property itself, such as to be able to produce a summary report to share with the accountant showing my own workings of the claimable’s.
This may capture the thousands in unclaimed deductions, which I discovered that they missed last time, only at the point of lodgement, instead of month/years later
Hope this makes more sense.