Inventory Quantity Change

Inventory Updates don’t allow quantity changes

Kindly explain with screenshots.

In the previous versions we could update our inventory per item in the inventory item Tab.
The Bulk update doesn’t have quantity field to allow for changes or corrections.

That field was for starting balance only. Not to adjust you inventory quantity from time to time. So once starting qty is entered you cant change it again or else all your financial statements are gonna change with that too. New method is to enter starting balance through Journal Entry.
@lubos was right. Some users were changing starting balance to get their desired results.

OK, I really don’t use the full accounting software as I have an accountant and she uses quickbooks. We just use the Inventory, Sales, PO, Delivery, and many of the non journal functioning tabs so now we simply have lost our use for the way we needed Manager to function. That’s too bad, it was a perfect fit for us until this change. Now I will need to find a better program to suit our needs. No sense trying to work with it anymore! Thank You for the great software for the past 6 years.

SO there are never any incorrectly shipped quantities or as in fasteners being done usually by weight and 10% manufacturing over runs aren’t allowed. We receive hundreds of items every week and to make all the changes with multiple journal entries is simply ridiculous. We’ll just cancelled our subscription as it’s no longer what we need.

Just make a Journal entry and you can have the same result if you dont care about your financials and just want to track qty orders etc.
Or maybe if you can explain your issue a lil better then maybe someone can help but the way you were previously doing was wrong.

If any other program allows the way you want it (which i doubt even quickbooks you mentioned doesnt allow it the way you want it) then believe me that program aint better.

@dreinemann99 if you just want to have a figure on Inventory Items screen that you want to update using batch update like before. Create a custom field that you can update manually.


The principle here is that if you are not using Manager as accounting software but more as a document generator, that’s fine. You can hide/disable those columns that show accounting balances and create your own columns that are manually updated and show whatever you have entered in them.

See Inventory Item Registration and Opening Balances - #3 by lubos

We were using it more as a Point of Sale program and were able to keep our inventory mostly accurate by following the correct processes. Any thoughts on having a unique Point of Sale program that could attach to the original software? It is so close to being the absolute best out there if that could be done!

I don’t understand this point. You were just continously editing figures so the balances are what you want them to be instead of entering new transactions.

So the question is, why those figures needed to be continously updated? What those updates did represent?