Inventory Kits data not showing in inventory profit margins report

Inventory Kit items not showing in inventory profit margins report as they were previously
Neither inventory kit items names are appearing in the report nor the calculations of sales and costs showing instead i think it is only showing costs of inventory kits sold but not sales. Like Item A is 2.5kg its kit is 1kg,500g,250g all 4 are sold but only item A is appearing instead of Item A Item Aa Item Ab Item Ac as they used to be and collective cost is apearing in Item A but sales amount is only of Item A instead of all 4 items combined sales.

It is really not easy to understand what you are reporting. So I am guessing. Your are referring to Inventory Kit, but it would never appear as an Inventory item except that you can select it in sales-related transaction as if but it will not show as an Item under Inventory tab unlike a Production Order. So are you really talking about Inventory kits (not listed as inventory item) or maybe accidentally confuse these with Production Orders (they are listed as inventory item)?


When you sell an inventory kit:

  • The kit itself does not need to be tracked in stock counts since it doesn’t exist as a separate physical item.
  • Only the individual components are deducted from your inventory.
  • Stock levels of the components are automatically adjusted based on the quantities specified in the kit.

This approach streamlines the sales process and inventory management, allowing you to offer bundled products without the complexities of managing additional stock items.

@fahadalarab, if you ever saw this happen, it was with a very old version of Manager. The developer realized soon after inventory kits were introduced to the program that there were problems allocating profits, because the profits on individual components of a kit could not be separated. So inventory kits were simply removed from the Inventory Profit Margin report. That means that sales and profits of inventory kits are not considered in the report.


It was showing till last month and Im using Cloud version