Invalid File Format

I’ve got the same error message after reformatting my hard drive. Windows 10 was driving me crazy, so I went back to Windows 7. Now Manager can’t recognise my back up file.

Here is what I suggest:

Try to install version 17.12.61. Here are the download links for each operating system.

Try to import your backup file into version 17.12.61. If it works, then upgrade to the latest version.


That’s awesome @lubos. It worked straight away.
You’re a life saver. Thanks heaps.

Thanks for this! It works. You helped me a great deal.

Right Click on Manager open as administrator and the import the file as the new windows 10 have new security

Thankyou @lubos the older version allowed it to work first time. :smiley: Have now updated to the newest version and is working perfectly fine.

Thanks Lubos.
I uninstalled the current version in the roaming folder and then installed v17 from the link you sent. I have been using the desktop version. Once 17 was installed I received the following error.
Your DB has been upgraded to the latest version while your desktop edition is still an older version. Upgrade desktop edition to the latest version which will resolve this issue. This usually happens when you install server edition of newer version on the same computer .


@techtodd, you misunderstood the instructions. After installing the old version, you were supposed to open the old version of the data base, then make a backup of it. Then import the just-created backup with the new version. If you received the message you described when opening the old version of the database with the old program, that means that at some point you were able to open the data base with the new program. So you have a different problem from the one described in this thread.

You are going to have to provide more details about what you did, in exactly what order, and what happened.

@techtodd yeah, currently once you install newer version of Manager, there is no way back. Try the very latest version (18.1.37) which will launch properly and will allow you to import your business so try that.

Hi Lubos,

If I didn’t make a backup, will I be able to restore anything?
I was thinking if I installed the old version there would be a file I could
point to bringing the data back.
I did uninstall v18 and so I thought I could reinstall the old version then



Your accounting data is not in the application, but in separate data files, one for each business you may create. If you were storing your data in the cloud, that’s where those files are. After installing the latest version of Manager, you will need to add the business(es) by importing those files.

Backup files and regular business files are identical, except the backups are given plain language file names using the business name and a date.

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