Internal Error Manager 21.11.80

Since today I get an error message with everything I do in manager.
Operating system Ubuntu 22.04 and using an app image 21-12-21.
I get this error:
SQLite.SQLiteException: database is locked
at SQLite.SQLiteCommand.ExecuteNonQuery()
at SQLite.SQLiteConnection.Execute(String query, Object args)
at SQLite.SQLiteConnection.Commit()
at Manager.ApplicationData.Process(String entityId, Action actions, String user, String description, Boolean history) in C:\projects\manager\Manager\ApplicationData.cs:line 234
at Manager.ApplicationData.Process(Byte entityId, Object o, String user, String description) in C:\projects\manager\Manager\ApplicationData.cs:line 173
at ManagerServer.HttpHandlers.Businesses.Business.VueForm`1.InnerPost() in C:\projects\manager\ManagerServer\HttpHandlers\Businesses\Business\VueForm.cs:line 532
at ManagerServer.Startup.<>c.<b__1_1>d.MoveNext() in C:\projects\manager\ManagerServer\Startup.cs:line 123
— End of stack trace from previous location —
at Microsoft.AspNetCore.Diagnostics.ExceptionHandlerMiddleware.g__Awaited|6_0(ExceptionHandlerMiddleware middleware, HttpContext context, Task task)

As you have transcribed it, this does not look like a Manager internal error. Please show a screen shot of the actual error message.

Although Internal Errors indicate bugs, you are really using a very old version (November 2021), so you may consider at least installing a new version from Download | Manager

I concur that you should update. Your version is almost 1,000 versions behind. While you have shown that there was a bug long ago, we need to understand if it still exists.

Since you say you get this message with everything you do, it is very unlikely whatever problem you had still exists. Otherwise, the thousands of users around the world would be complaining about this constantly. They are not. Since the error you get is related to a locked database, you may have a permissions problem. You should look into that after updating.

I have now installed the latest version on Ubuntu but still get the same error message. I still have Xubuntu on another partition and Manager works fine there! Manager’s data is on my NAS, so I’m here for some help for the time being.
Thanks so far!

Please show the screenshot, thanksl

Your recent experience reinforces my belief that you have a permissions problem. Have you looked at that as I suggested?

Posting the error message again does answer my question.