Integrating to Dashboard App

Hello I’m using manager since 2017, is there anyone used to integrate manager to any dashboard application? Thank you…

Yes. Through API.

what dashboard application do you use? can you give me tutorial how to do it? thank you before @Davide

Metabase connected through n8n

is it possible to be realtime dashboard?

Our implementation is not “push”. If for realtime you mean a syncronization every (x) minutes, yes, you can.

does it able to use for every single business in manager that we create or for the business in manager we determined?

The API gives you access to all businesses, so you can code it however you want.

If you aren’t sure how to do it yourself, I’d suggest hiring a programmer to investigate it for you and give you a quote.

We can provide some basic help here, and I’m personally quite familiar with the API too, but it’s not the place for highly technical discussion so that’s what you’d hire someone for. :slightly_smiling_face:

You can access to all businesses and even combine results with other databases.

Thank you very much, I think to elaborate more about what is exactly API to understand what I want and what I’ve to do. I think need further discuss with you about this in the next, once again thank you.

Thank you very much, do you know how to access API?

Add /api to the URL for your Cloud or Server edition of Manager, and log in with administrator credentials.

It’s a REST API, so all the standard stuff applies - GET, POST, PUT requests are made to the endpoints listed in the documentation (which is viewable at that URL).

Is it only possible opened use administrator account?


I’m trying to give added value for my clients but if only administrator can access it couldn’t accessed by clients

This is not the case at all. BI platforms have their own authentication system. The access to the API through an admin ID is only to establish a connection between Manager and the BI platform.

Also keep in mind that most of the time you use BI to combine different databases and applications so using authentication of one specific software it doesn’t make sense at all. You better use an LDAP database and set the rules inside the BI app.

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You will have to build something yourself or get a developer to build for your specific business need.

I am currently working on one myself but it is for a clinic business. And not even for general clinic business at the moment. It theoretically is possible to build something for general use in the future but that is not on my priority at the moment.