Install Problem Ubuntu

Hi, am running Ubuntu 14.04 LTS. I’ve installed as per directions, and “Ubuntu Software Centre” says installed, but there’s no icon on the sidebar to click and start it, nor is the search icon live. The icon is clearly there but the program doesnt start.
When I search “Ubuntu software centre” neither manager nor the icon shows!
I’ve drilled down into Home>Downloads>Manager>opt>manager-accounting>ManagerDesktop.exe which clicked opens it in “mono runtime” but it will vanish if I click forum or guides.

Not sure about the missing icon but I guess you should be able to create your own icon.

Clicking on Forum or Guides will unfortunately terminate the app under Ubuntu. I wasn’t able to determine the cause yet.

Hi, thanks for providing such a useful software. I think I have the same problem. I wanted to install it in Ubuntu 14.04 LTS on my laptop, which I also did before through Software center. It shows the software as installed, but it will not start when I click on the icon. I did the system update. Can you please help?

Have a search in the forum for updating your mono version.