Indian number format for currency is wrong

The number formats for the two Indian options are wrong. Both give me:


in the example. That should actually be:


I’m not able to reproduce this issue, on my computer it shows correct number format. What’s your operating system?

Mac OS X Mavericks

I think this will be underlying issue with your regional settings on Mac OS X. Have a look at

Following those instructions should show you example of number format for your culture. Do you see the same issue there?

I am facing the same issue and i see the format correct on the settings of my Mac.

Hi Lubos,

There seems to be a problem. The currency separator is showing up wrong for India. Screenshot attached.

Thank you for your continued help.

Should be fixed in the latest version (14.12.42)

It has being fixed in some areas, but on the sales quote editor it shows mixed up.

Check again the latest version (14.12.49)

Thank you…