Import of cash registers

Due to the split the import of payments and receipts has to be done separately for each which makes import of cash registers cumbersome.

I was thinking that since Bank and Cash have been merged, maybe we can have the option to import cash registers just like Bank Statements.

That would be handy.

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What are you referring to as a “cash register?”

Petty cash registers mainly

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Where are you planning to get a statement?

From the cashiers and treasurers.


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The bank account tab is a logical place to import bank statements in my opinion.
I thought there was already a button there already

There’s a button to import bank transactions, but not fot cash transactions.

For cash you will have to do two imports, one for receipts and one for payments.

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We have lots of cash sales that are registered in a POS application. As for now we just push the totals per month as a cash receipt from a fake POS Customer. Similarly also petty cash accounts overviews are now mainly managed on the side via another app as Manager does not have an app like Wave that easily can enter cash payments and cash receipts. The apps both can export spreadsheet and/or CSV files and have mainly similar data as in bank accounts. So I fully support this request to be able to import cash records simuilar to how bank statements get imported into bank with cash rules as in bank rules. This will allow us, accountants and auditors to track and trace everything in Manager.

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To me, it seems the likelihood of a petty cash fund’s custodian having the knowledge to generate a computerized statement is virtually zero. These would have to be in some format equivalent to a .QIF or .OFX file. And if they could do that, why couldn’t they use Batch Create, which would probably be less prone to errors?

It shouldn’t be complicated, right now the cashier just creates new workbook from a template in excel, fill it in and then save to .csv where it can be imported to manager.

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Please enlighten me. How are you importing such a .csv file to a cash account “right now?”

My bank imports are in CSV, my bank does not generate .QIF or .OFX. So why would cash statement imports need to be?

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I did not mean those examples to be all-inclusive. That is why I said “…equivalent to….”

I realize that I can just create a “Petty Cash Bank Account” and use the bank account features. The request was a simple one, but I realize it is similar to operating a bank account as we will import the Cash statements from the spreadsheet kept by the “Petty Cash Custodian” and make sure it is in the Manager import format for CSV, i.e.

Date Reference Payee Description Amount

I thought you’d never ask. :relieved::grin:


Was a direct response to this

Maybe I didn’t put it in the best of words, but what I meant was we have always used petty cash registers to manage petty cash and they’re readily available to import as .csv, that is if Manager allowed it.

That is exactly my point, previously, we used to do just that, but now it’s not so straight forward. Imo, direct pasting into a batch create field is superior to csv import.

However, since we are already here, instead of splitting the import, we can extend the bank statements import functionality to cash which is the only alternative that seems to utilize available functionality.

It’s not like this has never been done before, Odoo already enables cash register import and it’s a fairly efficient process.

As mentioned, I am trialling with just making Petty Cash a virtual Bank Account. You can then import the statements and even reconcile them against your cash statement. You can sort it under “cash” for display purpuses, so it is still called Petty cash, you can operate it as you did use a spreadsheet, then import it, use bank rules, etc. So problem solved.

Yes I can, but that wouldn’t be future proof. I mean what if another update decides to split cash and bank again? Also that would mean that I agree to forgo any future features or integrations specifically made for cash accounts.

Another alternative that’s 100% future proof is to close all tabs and enable journal entries with regular balance sheet and p&l account. Then I can truly do what I want unencumbered, but again that would completely defeat the purpose of using Manager.

That’s why I prefer to use native objects that are true to reality and rely on native functionality.

Mmm, I actually do not see where a split or merger of bank and cash is more than cosmetic at the moment and just as we hoped reduces the number of tabs, be it with 1 only. Nothing changed in terms of functionality, and I do not think it will now and/or in the future. Just try it, you will see that it works very fine. Petty cash accounting can be viewed as similar to Bank accounting the way one keeps records of payments and receipts. I realize that I have a desire to store the information as with Bank in Manager and the pragmatic but also future proof way is just to treat it/them as a Bank account. Notwithstanding, you can raise questions why it would not be implemented for cash accounts, what is the problem? Similarly why is functionality of Inventory and Non-Inventory items not treated similarly with similar forms and options as would be for Bank and Cash, even the way they are used (one as Tab the other in Settings). I know this may degress from the point but coe argument is why are these items Cash and Bank treated so differently as in Accouting we even refer to them as Cash or Cash equivalents and both can take payments and receipts.

Because non-inventory items are only shortcuts for data entry and involve no subsidiary ledgers or quantity tracking. Both are hard-coded into the program for inventory items. You have been part of several discussions recently on this forum where I previously explained that.

Again, because of hard-coding in the program. Bank accounts are linked to reconciliations, pending deposits and withdrawals, statement imports, and bank rules. Cash accounts involve none of those things. The design philosophy of the program leans toward eliminating unnecessary things. And for cash accounts, you can leave many unnecessary fields off the forms and displays.

Just as an update, importing cash transactions is still difficult after 2 months. :sweat_smile:

Could you please reconsider the request? :slight_smile: