How to Setup Florida Sales Tax?

I installed and configured Manager to my liking; however, I am having difficulties setting up sales tax for Florida. The sales tax does not add up. Please help.

Where did you get exactly stuck? What is your tax rate per state/county/city?

Thank you for the quick response, I really appreciate it. Ok, My current tax for the county that I live in is 6%; so I created a new code like .06. when I tried it with an invoice of $50, it does not add up. Instead of $3, it shows up as $2.83.

Maybe I set it up wrong.

It looks like the option Amounts are tax inclusive is checked when you are creating sales invoice. If it’s checked, then Manager will assume that $50 already includes 6% tax and therefore tax portion would be $2.83.

$3 tax would only apply if $50 is tax exclusive amount. If that’s the case, you need to uncheck Amounts are tax inclusive

You are right, I got it. working now. Thanks again for your support, great program and easy to use.