How to implement country-specific report in Manager

2 posts were split to a new topic: Questions about reports

@Patch Do you know if in the meantime where-statements work in Manager?

I´ve tried to filter transactions by the accounts but there seems to be no effect. Either this koind of filter doesn´t work in Manager or my statement is false:

{% assign einnahmen = transactions|tax_amount|where: "GeneralLedgerAccount.Name", "Einkommen" %}

Liquid is an extendable programming environment

I suggested earlier in this thread

The advantage being; that having some commonality between Managers custom reports and localisations would help Manager’s ease of use.

There are other variants of liquid such as Liquid Filters | Jekyll • Simple, blog-aware, static sites which does have the following filters


Manager does now have the group_by filter

However, to my knowledge the other filters have not been implemented in Manager or at least hadn’t last time I looked.

More importantly
With the newer versions of Manager, I’m not able to understand how flow control is used to control table output. Perhaps it’s just my ignorance on how to read html, or perhaps it’s a limitation of the current editor implementation in Manager.