How to implement country-specific report in Manager

A basic core is

{% assign gst_10 = "8cf9d117-3142-4d9c-82ee-b57a0e22c809" %}
{% assign gst_free = "14f63584-be71-40ca-9028-1a60e2e2cc90" %}
{% assign period = transactions | between: report.From, report.To %}
{% assign GST_Purchases = period | taxcode: gst_10, gst_free %}
{% assign GST_PurchaseInvoices = GST_Purchases | group_by: "PurchaseInvoice" %}
{% for e in GST_PurchaseInvoices %}
   Purchase invoice level information (Note the Key in this group_by: references a PurchaseInvoice)
   {{ e.Key.IssueDate }}  {{ e.Key.Description }}
   (Assign subtotal counters = 0 here)
   Purchase invoice line item information 
      {% for f in e.Value %}
      {{ f.GeneralLedgerAccount.Name }} {{ f.AccountAmount }} {{ f.TaxComponent }}
      (add line items to subtotals here)
      {% endfor %}
{% endfor %}

A test business for which is Test Localisation (2020-10-15) Group_by.manager (164 KB)

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