Supplier owe me $200, Supplier sent me $500 purchase invoice to me and I would like to deduct $200 from $500 purchase invoice and I will not receive $200 in my bank. At the end I will make payment $300 to supplier. How can I record invoice and payment for this case ya?
Your message is confusing. Suppliers do not sent purchase invoices, Customers like you do. Suppliers give you sales invoices. So I assume that the supplier sent you a sales invoice of $500 but you have a credit of $200 according to you. You thus overpaid another invoice and that would have been recorded in a payment. As such you have a balance of $200 agains that supplier. If you had issued a purchase invoice earlier than when clicking on supplier you would see this balance of $200 and just need to issue a new purchase invoice of $500 and record a payment of $300 against it. The balance of $200 would automatically be assigned and thus full payment recorded.
This is not a question about Manager’s functioning but a basic accounting question, hence it shouldn’t be asked on this forum but on an accounting forum. I wonder why the Mods don’t close these kind of questions.