I would to connect my Starling business account to Manager - is this possible? Any advice would be appreciated.
I would to connect my Starling business account to Manager - is this possible? Any advice would be appreciated.
Have you figured this out yet? I posted a similar question and haven’t received any replies yet.
Nope, nothing nada which makes me think it is possible at the moment.
[Moderated: the comment had nothing to do with the topic and was kind of rant about another accounting application and thus totally off-topic which according to FAQ - Manager Forum is not complying with:
Do not divert or hijack topics. If your question is not closely related to another topic, create a new one. Some of our most expert contributors only read topics interesting to them. Posting your question in the wrong place might mean it is ignored by the person who can answer
- Don’t divert topics to new subjects in midstream. Start a new topic.
The forum is about Manager not any other application.
I checked but you did not.
Here it is:
The options in Manager are
Thanks for the information. It appears that Starling Bank (UK) supports OpenBanking (sort of) but not FDX as far as I can ascertain. So currently, it does not seem possible to automate a feed direct to Manager.