How manyt times is this app going to cost me?

Seriously, what kind of app - which contains absolutely CRITICAL business data DOESN’T SAVE THAT CRITICAL DATA TO A SEPARATE BACKED UP FILE???>

Seiously, how hard is it??? We have to remember to manually back this thing up every single flippiong day???

Every time my laptop dies I lose fully 4 months of accounting data??

Howe am I supposed to do my tax return now?? How do I recover the last 4 months worth of data???\

OR … how do I set it so I dopn’t have to remember to manually backup every single day or risk losing critical business data??? How do other people actually manage this?? This is completely ridiculous.

Tie a piece of string on your middle finger every morning, and don’t take it off until you do a backup to a USB key or to a cloud server eg Google Docs, One Drive,

My preference- stick a USB key in the laptop and setup Windows File History to completely automate backups

Making backups is explained clearly in the guide Backup, restore and transfer businesses along with strong recommendations as to frequency and storage off the PC


This sounds like lack of a disciplined procedure may contribute to the problem also. If you can’t remember to make periodic backups, another way to cover yourself would be no move your data directory location to Dropbox or similar. You then are essentially always backed up. A cheap NAS attached to your router and some backup software would be another good way to go. Either of these give you a methodology that can cover multiple apps not just Manager. Anyway, something think about. Hope that helps.


It would have been sufficient to set the data folder in a backed up directory. Even a Dropbox folder would have sufficient.

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What kind of laptops you buy that fail every 4 months? Even sponge bob can make it laptop last longer or recover the data from it


Wait, It happened more than once? And you found with no backup for 4 months after that???

Off topic



You have to make backup an important activity daily. Backing up in manager takes few steps and saves almost instantly in my Dropbox folder.

Please you have to take responsibility.


You can automate this with a .bat file and windows task manager.
I do a daily backup to a google drive account.
my bat file looks like this:

@Echo off
set “pathFrom=C:\Users\username\AppData\Local\Manager”
for /f “tokens=2 delims==” %%G in (‘wmic os get localdatetime /value’) do set datetime=%%G
set year=%datetime:~0,4%
set month=%datetime:~4,2%
set day=%datetime:~6,2%
mkdir “C:\Users\username\Google Drive\backup-manager%year%-%month%-%day%”
copy %pathFrom% “C:\Users\username\Google Drive\backup-manager%year%-%month%-%day%”

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And remember, one backup is no backup. You must have up to date backups in several places and from several dates. Via Onedrive, Dropbox, Googledrive, external disk(s), a NAS. Many ways to organise this.
And check your backups.
Did your harddrive fail? No way to recover data from it? For instance to take the drive out of your system and use it as an external drive.


Buy a Mac!

@prodev, we are here to discuss seriously.


If you think that using a Mac somehow immunises you from hardware failures or means that you should not establish a reliable and verifiable backup regime then you are sorely mistaken, and IMHO it is irresponsible to suggest or imply so, particularly if dealing with systems on which a business is reliant.


I was serious.


How do you think that buying a Mac would save you from hardware failing? This also given the fact that a Mac shares the same hardware of a mid/top PC…

The only real and serious answer is hardware redundancy and a real backup policy; not to buy a Mac or a Lenovo!

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You are taking this too seriously.

But I do have a Mac and recently I’ve been having problems with it. Had to reinstall the operating system several times. And apart from when I decided to erase the hard drive and do a clean install I have not had to restore Manager data from backups. Everything has been there. I assume this is a function of the Mac iOS operating system or maybe iCloud. (Not a brand of computer as you mention Lenovo which typically would be a Windows operating system). As others have said manage the process, use dropbox or whatever, but for someone to be complaining about these failures and blaming Manager for not building in automatic backups is naive. Incidentally Microsoft Word and Excel which I use on my Mac both have built in auto recovery - you would not believe me if I told you how many times that software has crashed on me and the auto recovery failed to restore my work. The lesson learned is frequently save/backup. Though with Manager I’ve never had the need!


Same reply I sent to someone else who took my comment too seriously.

But I do have a Mac and recently I’ve been having problems with it. Had to reinstall the operating system several times. And apart from when I decided to erase the hard drive and do a clean install I have not had to restore Manager data from backups. Everything has been there. I assume this is a function of the Mac iOS operating system or maybe iCloud. (Not a brand of computer as you mention Lenovo which typically would be a Windows operating system). As others have said manage the process, use dropbox or whatever, but for someone to be complaining about these failures and blaming Manager for not building in automatic backups is naive. Incidentally Microsoft Word and Excel which I use on my Mac both have built in auto recovery - you would not believe me if I told you how many times that software has crashed on me and the auto recovery failed to restore my work. The lesson learned is frequently save/backup. Though with Manager I’ve never had the need!


I use Mega cloud with their linux sync tool, which backups my entire dir every time I press UPDATE and I think this is right thing to do, because cloud (not hdd) is the place where backups should go. In other words, not need of local backups.

Just Sign up for the Cloud Edition.

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